How do I Update my Provider Listing?

Any Manager Users with access to the Provider Network portal is able to update details about your business, including contact information, services offered, and your logo.

Once logged in, click on Manage Provider from the dropdown menu next to your name. The listing will default to the Overview tab. From here, you can add or update any of the following fields: License Number, Website, About, Email, Phone Number, Fax Number, Medical Records Contact Information, Address, Timezone, Service Area (US States), and Service Area Notes. After making changes, click the purple Save button that will appear near the upper right corner.

To update your Services, click Manage. Then select the service(s) that apply and click Save.

From the Settings tab, the Provider Name, Branch Name, Provider Type, and Privacy settings can be updated. Click the Save button that will appear after making any changes. You can also upload or change the logo from this tab by uploading a .png or .jpg file.

When an agency is searching for providers from their system, they will see an abbreviated version of your full listing in the search results. This includes your logo, Name and Branch, About Section, Provider Type, Service Area (including Service Area Notes), and Services. If they click on More Details they will see your full Provider Listing.

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