
Questions, we have answers.

How does a User get assigned to a case?

Cases that are shared with you by an agency should be assigned to one or more Users. The User will receive notifications about new shared documents, match sheets, requests, and more. There are three ways that a User can be added to a case.

How do I Update my Provider Listing?

Any Manager Users with access to the Provider Network portal is able to update details about your business, including contact information, services offered, and your logo. Once logged in, click on Manage Provider from the dropdown menu next to your name. The listing will default to the Overview tab. From here, you can add or

How do I add a User?

Manager Users can invite others from their team to set up an account and become a User for their Provider Listing. Users will not be visible to agencies, however, if the user is connected with a Contact, the name and email listed for the Contact will be visible. *A single User can be connected to

What is the Manager User Role?

A Manager User is someone from your organization that can log in to your Provider Network Portal. They will be able to see details of all cases that have been shared with them by linked agencies, including Requests, Match Sheets, and Documents. A Manager will also be able to invite other Users, assign cases to

What is the Staff User Role?

A Staff User is someone from your organization that can log in to your Provider Network Portal. They will be able to see details of cases that have been assigned to them by a Manager User, including Requests, Match Sheets, and Documents. For more information on what a Staff User sees in the portal, watch

How do I set up a user account?

If your business or organization hasn’t been set up on the Provider Network; contact us first to create your listing. At that time, we will add users and send out an invite to set up your account.  If you are being invited by a member of your team who is already set up as a

How do I adjust my notification settings?

In the upper right corner of the screen under My Account, scroll down and you will find a list of notification types under Notification Settings. You can select whether you want to be notified within the network itself, through an outside email or both to each of the types.

What is the difference between a Staff User and a Manager User?

During the Provider launch, the user accounts are all set as a Manager User. This allows them to customize the general information you share with agencies, add and edit other users, view all cases connected to your company, and assign users to cases. There can be more than one Manager User.When a Manager invites a

What is the difference between a Contact and a User?

When you log in to the Provider Network, you will see that you have options to add both Contacts and Users. The Contacts listed, including their name, role, email, and phone number, will be shown to agencies. Agencies may add any Contact to a case, but this does not necessarily give these contacts access to

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