How does a User get assigned to a case?

Cases that are shared with you by an agency should be assigned to one or more Users. The User will receive notifications about new shared documents, match sheets, requests, and more. There are three ways that a User can be added to a case.

  • If a Contact and User are connected, that person will be added as a User if the agency adds the Contact to the case. A User can be attached to a Contact by a Manager User from the Contacts tab of the Manage Provider page.

    The same User can be attached to multiple Contacts. For example, a paralegal can be attached to their own contact, as well as the contact of the attorney they work with. If an agency adds the paralegal or the attorney to the case in their system, the User account of the paralegal will be added to the case in the Provider Network.
  • A User can to be manually added to a case by a Manager User.
  • A Default Assigned User can be set up to be automatically added to any case that is linked by an agency. While the other options are set up on a case by case basis, this option is set at the provider level. A Manager User can select the Default Assigned User from the User tab of the Manage Provider page.

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