How do I set up a user account?

If your business or organization hasn’t been set up on the Provider Network; contact us first to create your listing. At that time, we will add users and send out an invite to set up your account. 

If you are being invited by a member of your team who is already set up as a Manager User, they can add you as a User, which will trigger a user invite email.

From that email, clicking on Accept Invite will direct you to a website to create your account. Enter your first name, last name, and Password, then click Create Account →. 

After setting up your account, you will be taken to the login screen. Enter your email and new password to access your user account. The first time you login, you will see the following message:

If you are set up as a Manager User, you will be able to see and assign cases after you are linked to cases by agencies who use Orchid JMS. If you are set up as a Staff User, you will be able to see cases after a Manager has assigned them to you.

*If you have an existing user account, but need to be set up with an additional branch or provider, click on Accept invite from the email, then Log in to existing account.

If you are connected to more than one Provider or Branch, you will be able to see a list and switch between providers by selecting “Change Provider” from the dropdown menu next to your name in the upper right corner.

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